Jul 26, 2021
As gardeners continue to bring in this year’s harvest, a Kansas State University food scientist says when you’ve run out of friends and neighbors faster than fruits and vegetables, it’s time to think about food preservation – and freezing is one of the most effective methods. However, after harvesting fruits and...
Jul 19, 2021
Studies show many Americans don’t have enough emergency savings to cover expenses for three months. However, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, many are more aware of just how crucial an emergency fund can be. Building an emergency fund has always been an essential step toward achieving financial security....
Jul 12, 2021
With many of our favorite restaurants closed because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we dusted off seldom-used cookbooks, rediscovered family recipes and searched the Internet for new recipes. While recipes can be fun, K-State Research and Extension northeast area family and consumer sciences specialist Sharolyn Jackson says...