Feb 28, 2022
As students, we practiced what to do in the event of a fire or a tornado. The goal was to learn what to do in an emergency. As adults, we know how to protect ourselves when a tornado warning is issued or what to do if a fire occurs. However, we may not know the steps we can take to protect our family and business...
Feb 21, 2022
Walk Kansas, K-State Research and Extension’s annual physical activity and wellness program, attracts thousands of participants each year. This year’s event runs March 27th through May 21st. Extension family and consumer sciences specialist for northeast Kansas and Walk Kansas State Leader, Sharolyn Jackson,...
Feb 14, 2022
Children start developing many new emotions around two years. These strong emotions, including frustration, anger, embarrassment and excitement, can sometimes be overwhelming and they may need to calm down. K-State Research and Extension child development specialist Bradford Wiles says there are number of steps that...
Feb 7, 2022
The Kansas Value Added Foods Lab at Kansas State University includes facilities, equipment, and instruments to assist small business owners and entrepreneurs with food product development, packaging, and physical, chemical and microbiological analyses of foods. The KVAFL also allows undergraduate and graduate students...