Apr 24, 2023
Picnic and barbecue season offers lot of opportunities for outdoor fun with family and friends. However, these events also present opportunities for foodborne bacteria to thrive. As food heats up in warmer temperatures, bacteria multiply rapidly. Kansas State University food scientist Karen Blakeslee says keeping food...
Apr 17, 2023
According to the Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention, diabetes is an epidemic in the United States – affecting over 34 million Americans. There are approximately 255,000 Kansans with diagnosed diabetes. In addition, 66,000 have diabetes but don’t know it and every year another 20,000 people in Kansas are...
Apr 10, 2023
We all make day-to-day decisions about money. While most of the decisions are small – buying a coffee on the way to work, going out for lunch or hitting the vending machine for an afternoon snack – the choices we make impact our financial success. April is Financial Literacy Month and K-State Research and Extension...
Apr 3, 2023
Family meals play an important role in helping children develop healthy habits around food. In addition, they provide opportunities for children to learn about healthy, nutritious foods, build a menu, help in the kitchen and form stronger bonds with their family. K-State Research and Extension family and youth...