Mar 30, 2020
In one way or another, COVID-19 has impacted everyone’s lives. Many adults are now telecommuting, children have had school cancelled for the rest of the spring semester and parents and caregivers have become their new teachers. Many businesses are closed and we have to observe a safe social distance when we’re...
Mar 23, 2020
One of the precautions for reducing the risk of contracting COVID-19 includes social distancing. As a result, many people are spending less time in public places, such as grocery stores and restaurants. However, they still need to buy groceries and eat. K-State Research and Extension nutrition specialist Sandy...
Mar 16, 2020
K-State Research and Extension’s publication, Elder Abuse and Neglect: What You Should Know, describes the six common categories of elder abuse, warning signs of abuse, who’s at risk for abuse, who’s most likely to be an abuser, and how elder abuse can be prevented. Kansas State University assistant professor...
Mar 9, 2020
Rural Kansas communities contribute greatly to the state’s economy and its identity. However, many smaller communities are struggling to thrive and survive. Researchers from 19 different states, including K-State Research and Extension child development specialist Bradford Wiles, are part of a project to work with...
Mar 2, 2020
Spring arrives March 19th, and with it comes an increased risk for severe weather, including thunderstorms, lightning, flash floods and tornadoes. In addition to causing widespread damage, these severe weather events can result in fatalities. Kansas State University climatologist Mary Knapp (nap) says the best...