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Radio stations are free to use clips from any of the episodes below. 

A selection of fully produced segments are made available weekly on the "For Radio Stations" page at the K-State Research and Extension news page, where previous Sound Living episodes are stored.

Captioned episodes are available on our Sound Living page on YouTube.

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Jan 25, 2021

K-State Research and Extension family and consumer sciences agents and specialists in the northeast region are offering a weekly series of one-hour virtual programs covering a wide variety of topics designed to improve health and well-being. Northeast area family and consumer sciences specialist Sharolyn Jackson says...

Jan 18, 2021

Nearly 75% of the U.S. population – about 189 million people – are making resolutions for 2021. Research shows that as we age, we’re less likely to make resolutions. However, K-State Research and Extension specialist on aging, Erin Yelland, says older adults benefit from setting goals and making resolutions. She...

Jan 11, 2021

A global survey, conducted during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, confirms that people experienced dramatic changes in health behaviors, prompting them to consume more junk food and cut back on physical activity. In turn, this drove anxiety levels higher and disrupted sleep. K-State Research and...